Born into hell.
Betrayed by your own.
They broke your spirit and brutalised your body.
Then left you for dead.
An intolerable wound cut too deep to ever stop bleeding.
Our sweet daughter,
Our beautiful, magnificent daughter,
The hope of our hearts!
You kept looking for joy, though it was never to be found.
All you wanted was a place to call home on this earth.
You were too far away for us to help you.
So your fate must haunt us till the end of time.
But we remember you now.
And always will.
We’ll cherish your memory as if you were our own flesh and blood.
Because the truth is that you are.
We just make up lies of separateness to protect ourselves from the enormity of our grief.
But make no mistake, you are our daughter too.
Faraway in time and place maybe, yet as close as right here in the love that swells in our chest.
We hear your weeping in the echos of our minds.
And I am determined that we won’t waste your tears.
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