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Look at me!
Don’t I look wonderful?!
I don’t look how you think I should.
I don’t look how I once thought I should.
I look 𝘴𝘰 much better than that.
I look like me!

My own shape, my own size, my unique bodyprint.
My signature smile radiating joy.
Because I’ve stopped wanting to look like anybody else.
And I’ve stopped wanting to look like an idea of how a woman should look.

I don’t presume to know what nature deems right for my body.
I’m less arrogant and afraid now.
More humble and appreciative.
I’m fully open to receiving.

I sit alongside the same judgment that used to terrify me with peace and compassion.
I know what it’s like to find fault and feel constrained by rules and fear,
To seek to tame, confine, restrict and conceal.
To cower in the shadows because I was scared to be seen.
Or to pose in the spotlight because I couldn’t bear not to be.
At a time when I mistook being evaluated for being valued.

I’m not looking for your approval anymore.
I have my own.
So, look at me, or don’t.
Either way, I’m good.
I already know my body belongs to life.
And that I am unconditionally, unfathomably beautiful.
Simply through virtue of breathing.

I’ve dropped the filter of judgement.
And I can see myself clearly, as if for the first time.
Care to join me?
Your light burns brighter when seen through the lens of love.
And from where I’m standing, you look absolutely gorgeous!

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