πŸ’ž«CLICK HERE to be emailed the Zoom link and schedule for the free workshops»πŸ’ž

FROM JUDGEMENT TO JOY is a series of free workshops to help you break free from shame, obsession and insecurity when it comes to your appearance, so you can start enjoying your body and your life to the full.

I struggled for most of my life - for around 30 years - with poor body image. Having recovered around 6 years ago, at the age of 40, I started writing a blog to try to articulate the insights that helped me recover.

Each workshop will take one of my blog posts as a starting point for discussion.  You can find all my blog posts here: mariamorgan.info/blog

The intention behind the workshops is to create a safe, confidential space for you to explore themes and ideas that will support your healing, growth and change.

When we're suffering with negative thoughts and feelings about the way our bodies look, we are suffering from the impact of believing painful lies about who we truly are, and where our worth and wellbeing come from.

Most of us will have picked up these lies, or misunderstandings, from the culture in which we live - parents, relatives, friends, bullies, the diet / fashion / beauty industries, media etc. When we see through these lies, we free ourselves from their grip and experience a fresh perspective, and our suffering - and all the attitudes, feelings and behaviours associated with it - falls away. Sometimes this happens suddenly. More commonly, it's a gradual process of awakening.

The truth will set you free.

It can be helpful to look in the direction of truth with other people with the same intention. Turning away from your habitual thoughts can feel uncomfortable and scary. It takes courage and humility. Having support often helps to keep you focussed on recovery.

As someone who has already been on this journey, I will be there to guide and encourage you.

  • Each workshop will last no longer than 90 minutes.
  • I will open each workshop with some introductory words and by reading one of the blog posts - I will let you know the topic in advance of each meeting.  Each post is only a 2- or 3-minute read.  
  • I'll then open up the meeting for discussion and give everyone the opportunity to share their reflections.
  • If there are more of us, I will use the breakout room function on Zoom to divide attendees into smaller groups, so everyone can have plenty of time to speak and be heard.

I will run the workshops twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Please find the dates and times below.

"Maria creates a beautiful, safe, and non-judgemental loving space for people healing from body image issues. Thank you Maria!" 
Danielle Desiree, U.S.A.

"I was unsure what to expect when I saw these workshops, but I have had the opportunity to see so much in myself and how I view my physical form. Maria is so lovely; looking from her own experience and others enabled me to reflect on myself, to see the similarity in my thinking about my body.  I am starting to understand myself more and where my views of my body come from. All this within a lovely, caring safe space. Thank you."
Mic, Isle of Wight

"Maria helps people who struggle with body image or have body dysmorphia and is absolutely amazing at what she does.  Her blog posts and free eBook are helping me and I've just been to her online workshop which was really enjoyable! She can help bring a healthier relationship to our own bodies and bring more acceptance and self-love into our lives.” 
Mike Unsworth, Stockport, U.K. 

"Thank you so much for everything you do! Thank you for the safe space you create with your Zoom meetings. It's incredible how like-minded individuals meet and share similar experiences and how insightful that is. You know I have been around the understanding of the three principles for a while now and because nothing is accidental, I stumbled across you... And something instantly clicked... Your energy, your calmness, your understanding is so uplifting and it's a joy to be around you! The insights you share are so valuable and I resonate with everything you share! Thank you for bringing light, Maria!" 
Stela Rafailova, Torquay, U.K.

"The body image workshops are helping me to rethink about my body and how society places unrealistic standards on image that is very unhealthy. Maria provides a safe environment to discuss sensitive topics and lends great advice and guidance to help you learn to love exactly who you are." 
Kellie, Vermont, U.S.A.

"I dropped into Maria’s workshops because I had been noticing sad thoughts about the increased size of my body. I was starting to think daily about what I could do to get fitter and healthier and starting to feel disappointed in myself for not moving more and eating better whenever I saw my body in the shower or was feeling uncomfortable in a chair.  I knew I needed insights, not outside motivation and willpower. After just a few workshops of being in the kind and interesting conversations, it clicked in my mind - 'well of course my body has changed while I’ve been unwell, and as I recover and increase my health then my body will most likely change again.' I was reminded that my lifestyle decisions and recovery journey will be wise for me and my body when my mood is not lowered by untrue thinking but when I’m ok in the now. Maria gently challenges our thinking and I’ve enjoyed noticing my thoughts about beauty in others."
Leah Hobson, Barnard Castle, U.K.

"I absolutely loved the workshops with Maria that I attended. I love the way she shares the three principles understanding in relation to body image. It’s really helped me to relax about the way I look. Conforming to current beauty standards has always been difficult and I love the possibility that this is no longer required. Already I feel a sense of freedom in that."
Julie, Scotland

U.K. 10.30am - 12pm
For other timezones, go to: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Upcoming Workshops
  1. 22 October - NO WORKSHOP
  2. 29 October - NO WORKSHOP
  3. ‼️THURSDAY 7 November at 2pm‼️ - Topic: Are you objectifying yourself? Healing requires you get back to being the subject of your life.
  4. 12 November - Topic: How my relationship with my appearance changed – the process that took me from suffering to freedom
  5. 19 November - Topic: The places Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) might not reach: how exploring your spiritual nature can help you heal your body image woes
  6. 26 November - Topic: Is healing complicated?
  7. 3 December - Topic: Are you open to change? What if you're not? And how do people really change anyway?
  8. 10 December - Topic: You can trust your emotional pain to teach and heal you. (The importance of embracing all our emotions)
  9. 17 December - Topic: Love brings out the best in us.

Past workshops
18 June - Topic: How the problem with our appearances starts - COMPLETED
25 June - Topic: What is beauty? - COMPLETED
2 July - Topic: You can't believe your eyes - COMPLETED
9 July - Topic: You Are Not A Product - COMPLETED

16 July - Topic: No one looks any better or worse than you - COMPLETED
23 July - Topic: The Ecstasy Of Being Alive And The Misleading Associations That Get In The Way - How The Glorification of 'The Body Beautiful' Keeps Happiness Out Of Reach - COMPLETED
3 September - Topic:  Grieving the right thing: why you don't need to accept the 'fact' you're ugly or unattractive - COMPLETED
10 September - Topic: Fear of weight gain: the terror that binds us, and how we can free ourselves from its grip - COMPLETED
17 September - Topic: Do you feel insecure about your attractiveness because you don't think you look feminine or masculine enough? Here's why you don't have to. - COMPLETED
24 September - Topic: For people who get upset when they see themselves in a photo or in the mirror...
1 October - Topic: 5 reasons why you're underestimating your attractiveness and how to stop - COMPLETED
8 October - Topic: How a natural pleasure turns into a coping mechanism: my history of disordered eating and You're not greedy. What's really going on when we find ourselves overeating - COMPLETED
15 October - Topic: Are you a compliment junkie? 4 reasons why other people's praise of your looks won't make you truly happy and how you can find real happiness instead. - COMPLETED

U.K. 4.30pm - 6pm
Eastern Time U.S. 11.30am - 1pm
Pacific Time U.S. 8.30am - 10am
For other timezones, go to: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Upcoming Workshops
  1. 19 October - Topic:  How a natural pleasure turns into a coping mechanism: my history of disordered eating and You're not greedy. What's really going on when we find ourselves overeating
  2. 26 October - Topic: Are you a compliment junkie? 4 reasons why other people's praise of your looks won't make you truly happy and how you can find real happiness instead.
  3. ‼️SUNDAY ‼️ 3 November - Topic: Are you objectifying yourself? Healing requires you get back to being the subject of your life.
  4. 9 November - Topic: How my relationship with my appearance changed – the process that took me from suffering to freedom
  5. 16 November - Topic: The places Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) might not reach: how exploring your spiritual nature can help you heal your body image woes
  6. 23 November - Topic: Is healing complicated?
  7. ‼️SUNDAY‼️ 1 December - TopicAre you open to change? What if you're not? And how do people really change anyway?
  8. ‼️ SUNDAY‼️ 8 December - Topic: You can trust your emotional pain to teach and heal you. (The importance of embracing all our emotions)
  9. 14 December - Topic: Love brings out the best in us.

Past workshops
22 June - Topic: How the problem with our appearances starts - COMPLETED
29 June - Topic: 
What is beauty? - COMPLETED
6 July - Topic: 
You can't believe your eyes - COMPLETED
13 July - Topic: You Are Not A Product  - COMPLETED
10 August - Topic: No one looks any better or worse than you - COMPLETED
17 August - Topic: The Ecstasy Of Being Alive And The Misleading Associations That Get In The Way: How The Glorification of 'The Body Beautiful' Keeps Happiness Out Of Reach  - COMPLETED
7 September - Topic: Grieving the right thing: why you don't need to accept the 'fact' you're ugly or unattractive - COMPLETED
14 September - Topic: Fear of weight gain: the terror that binds us, and how we can free ourselves from its grip - COMPLETED
21 September - Topic: Do you feel insecure about your attractiveness because you don't think you look feminine or masculine enough? - COMPLETED
5 October - Topic: For people who get upset when they see themselves in a photo or in the mirror...- COMPLETED
12 October - Topic: 5 reasons why you're underestimating your attractiveness and how to stop - COMPLETED

Once you register for the workshops at the link below, you'll be emailed the Zoom details.

πŸ’ž«CLICK HERE to be emailed the Zoom link and schedule for the free workshops»πŸ’ž


Who are the workshops for?

The workshops are for you if:

😩 You constantly judge how you look, and you rarely, if ever, feel like your body looks ‘good enough’.
😩 You worry a lot about what other people think of your appearance and crave constant validation. Or you’re simply resigned to feeling ugly.
😩 You spend a lot of time, energy, and money (if/when you have it) on trying to improve and/or maintain your appearance.
😩 You feel too insecure about your body to enjoy dating, romance, or intimacy.
😩 You engage in obsessive behaviours, including weighing yourself, mirror checking, over-exercising, taking selfies, taking hours to get ready, disordered eating etc.
😩 You worry about the impact of ageing on your appearance.
😩 You keep your life small to avoid the pain of being criticised or rejected.

And if you'd like to:

πŸ₯° learn how to appreciate your own unique true natural beauty;
πŸ₯° free yourself from the burden of worrying about what you look like, especially as you get older;
πŸ₯° feel more secure in your own sense of unconditional self-worth;
πŸ₯° have the confidence to go on dates or enjoy your relationship with your current partner more fully;
πŸ₯° enjoy the sensual and sexual pleasures your body has to offer you, as it is right now;
πŸ₯° spend your money on useful/fun things rather than on risky/costly attempts to change your body;
πŸ₯° start thriving instead of just surviving.

Is there anyone who the workshops would NOT be suitable for?

If the following apply to you, the workshops probably won't be right for you at this time.

❌ You have a fundamental belief that recovery is not possible for anyone, and you find it insulting for anyone to suggest that it is.
❌ You are in a crisis and are in need of urgent medical care. Please note that I am not a doctor and I don't diagnose anyone or treat any specific medical condition. I share my experience of healing, which many people find beneficial, but it is no substitute for medical intervention. If you have concerns about your health, please consult a qualified physician in the first instance.
❌ You are only looking to commiserate with other people about how awful it is to struggle with body image issues. During the workshops you'll have space to fully and openly express your pain and suffering which is so important for healing, but I will also encourage you to explore your potential to heal, learn, grow and change.
❌ You are solely interested in finding ways to change your appearance and do not recognise the psychological component of your suffering at all. You are most welcome to participate if you'd like to look different and if you are doing things to change or to try to change your appearance. But if that's all you're interested in, then these workshops won't be for you.
❌ You are not willing to respect differences when to comes to people's sexuality, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, values, socio-economic background, ability or health. And you make assumptions about people on these grounds which you're not willing to question.
❌ You are not willing to respect the confidential nature of the meetings and refuse to keep what's shared private.
❌ No bullying, shaming or harassment of other attendees or myself will be tolerated.
❌ You are looking for 1:1 coaching and are not willing to share the time fairly with other attendees. I will provide individual support as much as time allows, but there are limits to this in a group setting.

Will the workshops be recorded?
No, the workshops will NOT be recorded. This is for several reasons. My intention is that this will help attendees feel more comfortable to open up about issues they feel vulnerable about. I also think presence and participation can be very important factors in healing, so I want to encourage you to come along and take some time for yourself and enjoy being in the company of people who can relate to what you're going through.

Do I have to have a Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD diagnosis) to attend?
Do I have to appear on camera?
If you feel self-conscious about how you look, you are welcome to attend with your camera switched off. I'd encourage you to be brave and switch your camera on if you possibly can, even if it's just briefly, but you'll be put under no pressure to do this.

Will I have to speak?
  • The workshops are meant to be interactive.  After I have read the blog post and briefly introduced the topic, I will invite attendees to share their reflections. 
  • My intention is that each attendee will have at least ten minutes to speak, if they wish.  
  • If six or more people attend, I will use the breakout room function on Zoom and split attendees into smaller groups, so each person has plenty of time to share and doesn't have to speak in front of a large group, which some people find intimidating.

How much do the workshops cost?
They are completely free. I'd be grateful for honest feedback on how you find them if you attend.

Are you a therapist?  What are your credentials?
  • No, I am not a therapist.  I do not treat or diagnose medical conditions. If you need medical advice, please consult a doctor.  
  • I simply share the insights that helped me stop judging my appearance and start enjoying my body and my life to the full after a decades-long struggle with body image and disordered eating.
  • I have found it helpful to explore an understanding of who we truly are, and how our experience of life is created, often referred to as The Three Principles, as articulated by Sydney Banks, in my healing journey.  This informs the perspective I share.
  • I participated in a 6-month coach training programme with Rohini Ross and Angus Ross to study this understanding.

How can I know if the workshops are right for me?
  • You can watch my free one-hour talk to see if my perspective resonates with you.
  • You don't have to share my perspective to participate in these workshops, but there must be respect for different points of view and a willingness to explore different perspectives in the interests of experiencing less suffering and more wellbeing.
  • Also, they are free, so why not come along and give them a go?!  You don't have to come back if you don't like it!

Do you offer more support?
  1. Yes, I offer one-to-one coaching on Zoom. You can find out further details here: mariamorgan.info/coaching
  2. I also intend to create a membership to support people who are struggling with body image in the future. You can find out about that and join the waitlist here: mariamorgan.info/the-lens-of-love-community You'll then be notified when I launch it.

πŸ’ž«CLICK HERE to be emailed the Zoom link and schedule for the free workshops»πŸ’ž

You can email me at maria@mariamorgan.info.  

