Let me help you stop judging your appearance,
so you can enjoy your life to the full.

It's never too late to heal, and it's always worth it!

Welcome image
Hello and welcome to my website! 🥰

Are you…

  • constantly judging how you look?
  • worrying about what other people think of your appearance?
  • rarely, if ever, feeling like your body measures up?
  • spending a lot of time, energy and money on trying to improve and/or maintain your appearance?
  • feeling too insecure about your body to enjoy dating, romance or intimacy?
  • fed up with feeling unattractive and unworthy of love?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!

You see, I understand exactly how you feel and what you’re going through. Because that was me too.

I spent 30 years of my life judging my appearance harshly. 😩

I was highly critical of the way I looked and monitored my weight obsessively.

No matter what I did, I always had the sense that I wasn't 'there' yet.

The whole problem weighed me down. It felt like it was the depressing soundtrack to my life, and something I’d never escape from.

I tried so hard to make my body look attractive, and wasted a lot of time, energy and money in the process.

All I wanted was to feel beautiful, and therefore loveable, but the end goal always seemed to elude me.

One of the worst things about it was that it completely messed up my relationship with food and led to decades of all kinds of disordered eating.

And I didn’t even realise that it was my harsh judgment of my body that was the root cause of my difficulties with eating.

I just thought I was greedy and had to work hard to control myself.

My obsession with my looks affected every area of my life, and I often felt insecure and depressed as a result.

There were even times when I thought that death would be the only way out of this suffering.

Because I’d struggled so long and had tried and failed to recover so many times, I thought that this problem was a part of my identity, and something I’d never be free from.

But I’m happy to say that I was totally wrong about that – it’s a very good thing to be wrong sometimes!

And a few years ago I fully healed in this area. I now hardly ever think about what I look like, let alone worry about it! And I’ve never been happier. 🤩🎉

My eating problems are a thing of the past.

These days my relationship with food is easy, natural and problem-free, just as it was when I was a little girl before any dysfunction set in.

And without the preoccupation with my looks and food draining my energy, I now have so much more time to devote to enjoying life, trying out new things and treasuring being with people I love.

I now feel secure in the way I look, not because I conform to all the bogus ‘beauty’ standards that get shoved down our throats throughout our lives, but because I realise, deep down, that real beauty can never be reduced to any metric. It is simply what we see when we observe the world through the lens of love.

Freedom is your birth right.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve struggled with these problems, or how severely they've affected you, please rest assured that you can get better.

You can wake up from the nightmare, and go on to live a fulfilling, enjoyable life.

If you’d like to know more about what helped me recover, and find out how you can too, please take a look around and get started with some of my free resources to support your body image healing.

I'm passionate about sharing my insights with others so they can enjoy the freedom I do now.

And if you'd like some more personalised support to help you put this problem behind you once and for all, check out my group and 1:1 coaching offers.

I'd be delighted to be your guide on your journey to a more peaceful, joyful and fulfilling life. 🥰

Lots of love,

Maria 💜💚💛🧡💙

Your body is yours to enjoy. It's never too late to heal, and it's always worth it!

List of all blog posts with clickable links

List of all blog posts with clickable links

Take a look at the list of topics and click on what appeals to you! If you'd like me to address another topic, please let me know.

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2 min read
The impacts of poor body image on mental health: findings from The Mental Health Foundation, and tips to address the problem

The impacts of poor body image on mental health: findings from The Mental Health Foundation, and tips to address the problem

It's no longer just teenage girls who are negatively impacted by poor body image. A study shows that many adults are suffering too. Fortunately, there are things we can all do to address the problem and create a more body positive culture for everyone.

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4 min read
The irresistible temptation of 'the body beautiful'

The irresistible temptation of 'the body beautiful'

I was sucked in by the lure of 'the body beautiful' for most of my life. But, no longer! I now know deep within my bones where happiness truly comes from. Everyone is free to discover this for themselves and enjoy the freedom that comes with this merciful insight.

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2 min read
Have you been duped into believing lies because they were stated with conviction? Not all the so-called 'facts' you may have heard about attractiveness are true.

Have you been duped into believing lies because they were stated with conviction? Not all the so-called 'facts' you may have heard about attractiveness are true.

People often speak with great confidence about what is attractive and what isn't, as if they are referring to objective truths. Don't be taken in!

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2 min read
5 reasons why you're underestimating your attractiveness and how to stop.

5 reasons why you're underestimating your attractiveness and how to stop.

Your attractiveness can't be reduced to your body's conformity with the so-called 'beauty' standards. And your mind's negative assessment of your appearance isn't as reliable as it seems. Realising the truth of these facts can free you from a lot of insecurity, so you can get on with enjoying intimacy.

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3 min read
Are you a compliment junkie? 4 reasons why other people's praise of your looks won't make you truly happy and how you can find real happiness instead.

Are you a compliment junkie? 4 reasons why other people's praise of your looks won't make you truly happy and how you can find real happiness instead.

When you feel insecure about your body, craving compliments about your appearance can be like an addiction. As you access a more reliable source of wellbeing, the compulsive urge to get external validation will fade.

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3 min read
Are you objectifying yourself? Healing requires you get back to being the subject of your life.

Are you objectifying yourself? Healing requires you get back to being the subject of your life.

When we objectify ourselves, we forsake our own hopes, dreams, interests and ambitions to try to satisfy the desires of other people. We do this out of the fear that if we don't, we will be cast aside by the world. But the price we pay - betrayal of who we truly are - is too high.

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5 min read
How my relationship with my appearance changed – the process that took me from suffering to freedom

How my relationship with my appearance changed – the process that took me from suffering to freedom

My experience of healing in the area of body image has not been what I expected. It has been much more wonderful than I could ever have imagined! Here I set out the key changes in perspective that brought about this uplifting shift in my consciousness, and therefore my experience of my body and life in general.

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3 min read
Are you open to change?  What if you're not?  And how do people really change anyway?

Are you open to change? What if you're not? And how do people really change anyway?

Even though most of us would like our suffering to be magically taken away from us, we're not actually open to the kind of profound change which would make that possible. But the good news is that can change! If you're interested in how people really change, and what helps increase readiness for change, read on!

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6 min read
Dreaded photos: how to handle seeing photos of yourself you hate.

Dreaded photos: how to handle seeing photos of yourself you hate.

If seeing a 'terrible' photo of yourself triggers a spiral of obsessive, desperate thinking, please know that you're not alone. However, the good news is that a shift in perspective can take the sting out of this experience and put it back into a healthy perspective.

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4 min read
I wore a dress! (How I had fun breaking my clothes 'rules'.)

I wore a dress! (How I had fun breaking my clothes 'rules'.)

Do you spend ages getting ready to go out? Do you worry a lot about what other people think of the way you look? I did for most of my life. But I'm happy to say I've put all that stress and angst behind me now. Getting dressed is easier when you remember that your body isn't an ornament!

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2 min read
If you'd like to arrange a FREE introductory chat to discuss coaching, or if you have any feedback on what you find here, I'd love to hear from you.  

Please feel to email me: maria@mariamorgan.info

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Do you often see yourself through a filter of harsh judgements?

Would you like to view yourself with more compassion?

Are you interested in the possibility of feeling more love, joy and peace in your life?

Do you think that sounds like a good idea?!

If so, I am creating Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ – an online membership – to support you.

I invite you to join me in a loving (and affordable!) Community without hierarchy or dogma where we'll meet regularly online to support one another to learn, heal and thrive!

Together we'll help one another drop the filter of judgement we see ourselves through, so we can come to see through the lens of love instead, and thus make the most of the precious time we have on earth!

You are welcome to bring whatever you are struggling with to Community meetings - whether that be anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, trauma, addictions, body image insecurities, disordered eating, relationship difficulties, financial worries, work stress, health issues, depression, grief, loneliness, overwhelm, fears related to dire political/global developments, or other challenging experiences/circumstances.

Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ will be a place you can come and share from the heart, unburden yourself, touch into the stillness within, and reconnect with your inner wisdom, which will guide you to take whatever right next step makes sense in your life.

But it won’t just be a place to share your suffering!  You will also be encouraged to give voice to your achievements, successes, progress, insights and development.  We will celebrate the good news too!

Nor will it be a space solely for talking earnestly about the big questions of life or lofty spiritual matters! 😆  We can keep it real, laugh and have fun as well!  Life without humour is simply too hard, and sometimes we all need to take a break from the doom, so we don’t get ground down to the point we can’t function anymore.

In summary, this will be a place where all of you is welcome!

A space…

🤗 Where you feel free to show up, even if you’re struggling.

🤗 Where you don't have to 'look your best'. Or always be in a good mood.

🤗 Where it's ok to feel angry, or cry.

🤗 Where you can be yourself and know that nothing else is required.

🤗 To explore new ideas, and different parts of yourself.

🤗 To find healthier perspectives.
🤗 For authentic sharing and meaningful connection.
🤗 To share some of both the ups and downs of this mysterious and rocky road of life.
🤗 Where you can come to get ongoing support and encouragement to face whatever's going on in your life.
🤗 To break destructive habits, let go of beliefs and behaviours that aren't serving you, and develop healthier ways of being in the world.

🤗 To slow down, take time for yourself and reconnect with your own inner wisdom, which will guide you to do whatever makes the most sense for you.

🤗 To enjoy the nourishment of having your human experience witnessed.

🤗 To feel the joy of knowing others deeply.

This Community is for anyone who wants to see themselves with more love, and less judgement.

That includes people who struggle with a negative preoccupation with their appearance or who have a painful relationship with eating and/or exercise.

But it’s not just for people who suffer in those particular ways. It’s for everyone who could use some help in keeping love front and centre in their lives.

The aim of Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ will be to create regular opportunities for you to come together with likeminded souls to explore what living more from love, and less from judgement, could look like in practice in your life.

Together we can explore questions, like…

❓How can we be the medicine we seek? First for ourselves, and then for one another.

❓How can we keep focussed on what’s most important in life?

❓How can we navigate life’s challenges without falling prey to overwhelm and hopelessness?

❓What attitudes, insights, practices and habits can support us to live productive, joyful lives?

❓And how can we remember to include ourselves when it comes to the love we bring to the world? Since so often this seems to be the hardest task of all.

We all know that love that can be a hugely powerful and positive force for change…

💜 It can help us break unhealthy habits and form new, more helpful ones.

💜 It forms the basis of our most meaningful relationships.

💜 It gives us the energy to go after what we want in life.

💜 It can give us the courage to do things we’re afraid of, and learn and grow, as a result.

💜 It drives societal change – people set up charities, form political parties and start social movements to make the world a kinder, fairer place.

💜 And it can inspire us to create beautiful things in our own unique way in service to our fellow human beings.

In short, it’s what makes life worth living!

And yet, so often we get distracted by other priorities, and weighed down by myriad daily concerns, that we forget about love. Or it takes a backseat. And we fall back into the habit of being unkind to ourselves because it’s what we’re most used to.

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Because we’ve all heard things like, “You need to love yourself more.”, but a lot of the time we just don’t know what that means in practice. So, it gets forgotten or dismissed as impractical.

Perhaps your critical inner voice focuses on the appearance of your body, and you feel inadequate, unattractive and undesirable because of your perceived 'flaws'.

If so, I can relate. I felt that way for much of my life too.

Or perhaps your critical voice focuses on other aspects of your life. Perhaps it criticises you for your apparent ‘deficiencies’ in other areas. Perhaps you don’t feel clever, capable, successful or likeable enough.

Or perhaps it’s a combination. We are often hard on ourselves in many different ways!

If so, please know that you are not alone.

We live in a culture where many of us feel inadequate. We tend to view our bodies through the filter of harsh judgements. And we often extend this critical attitude to all aspects of our lives.

We simply don’t feel deserving of love just as we are. We think we need to improve ourselves, often in many ways, before we become worthy of love.

Or we just don’t know how to be kind to ourselves because we’re in the habit of doing the opposite.

I think most of us have a lot to learn when it comes to how we see ourselves. We have become so habituated to viewing ourselves excessively harshly that we don’t even realise that’s what we’re doing. We don’t realise that we’re seeing ourselves through a filter at all. We just think we look ‘flawed’ or our personalities and achievements are ‘lacking’.

That’s why I’m creating Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ. Because I think most of us need help in learning to see ourselves with love. And we need the presence and care of other people on the same path.

We don’t heal alone.

When we’re feeling low and down about ourselves, it can be really hard to break the habit by ourselves. We need the energy and wisdom of other people. We need to pool our emotional and spiritual resources.

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Furthermore, there is a lot of hate, cruelty and violence in the world. The online sphere is full of trolls and harshness. Most societies still struggle with racism, homophobia, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and discrimination. The world is especially crazy right now, and there are a lot of dark forces at work that want to move us in the direction of hate, of scapegoating and threatening the most vulnerable members of society. It's devastating and tragic. 💔

It can be hard to feel hopeful against this backdrop of hostility and suffering. And it can be all too easy to become overwhelmed and fall into despair in the face of such cruelty. The world can sometimes be a terrifying and lonely place.

But now is not the time to give up. We need to stand firm and realise the power within each and every one of us to make a positive difference.

And we need to support one another. We're not meant to navigate the struggles of life alone. We are stronger together.

At times like this I know that it can sometimes feel selfish to practise self-care. But the reality is that unless we take the time to look after ourselves, we won't be able to help anyone else. Or not sustainably anyway.

After all, how can we make the world a better place if we're at war with ourselves?

My intention is that my membership will support you in getting in touch with the love within you, which will give you the energy and inspiration you need to be the change you want to see in the world.

So, I invite you to join me in Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ where we will help one another remember what's most important in life - the love that is who we truly are, and the greatest gift we can give the world.

Let's come together and keep our sights firmly focussed on what truly matters.


Let's keep one another on track!

My intention is that this Community will be one in which there will be less 'teaching' and hierarchy than is often the case with this kind of thing. Although I will stand ready to share my experience of what's helped me heal in my own life, it's really important to me that this will be a Community of equals where there will be plenty of room for each of us to find our own way.

I've been on the receiving end of unsolicited advice in so many groups, and I've always felt shut down. I want my Community to be different. So, although I will be offering coaching during coaching hours, there will also be meetings which will be unequivocally coaching-free zones! (See below for details about the three types of meeting I plan to offer.) In summary, you can ask for coaching, but I'm going to do my best to avoid shoving it down your throat! 😆

And I'd like to create a culture where the default is to respect other people's journeys without acting on a compulsion to try to 'fix' or advise, or 'make someone see' something. Instead, I want the Community to be one in which each one of us keeps the focus on our own learning and trusts that that is what will benefit other people the most anyway.

It's that kind of spacious, respectful environment that has been most conducive to my own healing, so that's why I want to offer it to other people now.

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I want this Community to be one where presence and togetherness is at the heart of everything. That’s why it will consist exclusively of live meetings where we can see one another's faces and hear one another's voices.

💗 It's about human connection in real time.

💗 There will be no Facebook group. No recordings. None of that noise.

💗 There will be no homework.

💗 No pressure to 'look your best'.

💗 No requirement to be in a good mood.

💗 Conversely, this won't be like therapy where it can almost become a habit to feel like you have to bring problems to talk about. Joy is welcome too! You don't need to be struggling to get undivided attention. You don't need to be sick to get help. We will celebrate one another's good fortune too!

💗 You can simply rock up however you're feeling, whatever's going on in your life, and know that you will be welcome. After all, isn't that what love's all about? Appreciating and cherishing people just as they are, with the full gamut of emotions that go along with this crazy whirlwind of human experience.

We all get scared, angry and insecure sometimes. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and we don't need to hide it. And it certainly doesn't mean there's something intrinsically wrong with us or we need fixing. It just means we're human.

And do we really want to bypass the raw beauty of that? I don't know about you, but I find authenticity so much more fulfilling and interesting than a sanitised, presentable version of a person.

So drop the mask and come as you are, and let's celebrate our wholeness! 🥰

I'm also aware that for some of you, being seen and heard might feel daunting and confronting, especially if you're feeling low, or lacking in confidence, or you've been isolating for a long time.

🤗 If that's you, please know that it will be perfectly fine to go at your own pace. You can keep your camera switched off at first.

🤗 And you won't be obliged to say anything unless you want to.

🤗 Feeling safe enough to be vulnerable often takes time. And frankly, your trust needs to be earned. So please feel free to take your time to open up when you're ready, and rest assured that you can share as much or as little as you want. There's no rush.

🤗 All I ask is that you try to resist the inclination to run away as soon as you feel any discomfort. On the other side of it might just be something truly wonderful. It's a bit like a first date! It's often pretty awkward at first. But a lifetime of beautiful memories could flow from that uncertain beginning if you hang around long enough to find out...!

Meetings are likely to be small, especially at first, with plenty of time for each of us to speak and be heard, and intimate enough to make meaningful, nourishing connections with one another.  

As the Community grows, we’ll make more use of the breakout room function on Zoom, so that each of us will continue to have plenty of time to share.

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To start off, I would like to offer three kinds of meetings, as follows:

1) Whispers From The Heart
A coaching-free, advice-free, teaching-free zone(!) where you get to share, uninterrupted, about whatever you want without having to worry about getting unsolicited feedback/commentary.

⭐️ At these meetings we will divide the time equally between those present, and each person will be allocated a set amount of time to share. We will therefore take it in turns to speak and share from our hearts.

⭐️ The invitation will be to explore whatever feels helpful to you in the interests of your own freedom, growth and happiness.

⭐️ You can spend some, or all, of your allocated time in silence as well. And you’re welcome to sing, play music or read things you’ve written or have found helpful. It will be up to you. It will be your time to spend as you see fit.

⭐️ I hope you will come to look forward to these meetings and the space they offer to explore and share from the depths of your being, as well as having the opportunity to listen to others, and get to know them more intimately, in a way that we often don’t get the chance to in our everyday lives.

⭐️ These meetings will be a chance to slow down, explore more of who you are, and connect heart-to-heart with other souls.

⭐️ We will not comment on what one another share. It’s my experience that this approach helps people feel safe to share more vulnerably, knowing that other people won’t rush in to try to ‘fix’ them. It may take some getting used to, especially if you’re in the habit of taking on a helping role, but I believe it will be worth it! And there will be other meetings where you can seek advice if you wish or have fun chatting!

2) Coaching Hours
A space to seek support and feedback on struggles you’re facing. Here you can bring issues related to body image, eating and exercise, as well as any other challenges you’re dealing with.

It will also be a place to celebrate progress and share the insights you’re having.  

And if you don't want any coaching, you'll still be welcome to attend, and simply share whatever feels right for you.

You can read about my approach to coaching and read testimonials of what some of my clients have said about working with me.

3) Discussion Meetings
At these meetings we’ll discuss a variety of topics/resources related to healing, and living well.

📖 I propose starting off with a book study of a text that’s supportive of healing.  We can agree this together.

📖 I want these meetings to be lively, informal and fun!

📖 There are so many wonderful books and resources out there. Let’s dive into the abundance together and see what jewels we can find! 💎

📖 Please note that you won’t need to purchase or read books in advance of meetings unless you want to. We can read and discuss extracts during the meeting, and you’ll be welcome to participate in the discussion regardless of whether you've read/bought a book or not.

📖 I plan to rotate these three types of meetings week to week.

I'm sure things will evolve over time, and I'll be open to suggestions from members.

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✅ I'm offering three meetings per week to start off with.  

✅ This is to accommodate people in different timezones, or on different schedules, who are available at different times.  

✅ I want there to be a meeting every week that you could attend if you wish.

✅ If you are available for more than one meeting per week, you'd also be most welcome to come along to any/all meetings.

✅ You don't have to attend the same meeting every week.  You can mix and match!

There is a meeting every week at the following times:
  1. Mondays at U.K. 10.30am-11.30am*  / Eastern U.S. 5.30am-6.30am / Pacific U.S. 2.30am-3.30am 
  2. Wednesdays U.K. 7.30pm-9pm U.K. / Eastern U.S. 2.30pm-4pm / 11.30am-1pm Pacific U.S.
  3. Sundays U.K. 5pm-6.30pm / Eastern U.S. 12pm-1.30pm / Pacific U.S. 9am-10.30am 
*There are currently only two people attending the Monday morning meeting.  If another person joins, I'll extend the meeting to 90 minutes.

If your time zone is not covered here, please check World Time Buddy to find out the time where you are.
If you can't work this out, please let me know and I'll help you. 😊

I'll keep the schedule under review to try to ensure it reflects the availability of as many people who want to join as possible.

If you'd like to join the Community, but you're not available to attend meetings at one of the times above, please complete this Availability Questionnaire, and I will notify you when the schedule changes in line with your availability. You'll then be able to decide whether you wish to join at that point.

👀 If you’d like to hear me talking about the Community – its purpose, who it’s for, how the meetings work, and what makes it different from many other such groups – you can watch a 52-minute video I’ve made all about it on YouTube.

👀 You’ll find clickable timestamps in the video description, so that you can jump to the section you’re interested in if you don’t have the time or inclination to watch the whole thing.

CLICK HERE ➡️ Watch this in-depth video about Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ

There is a monthly subscription charge of £30. You can leave anytime.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone who you think might be interested. 😊

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at maria@mariamorgan.info and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!

💞«CLICK HERE to join Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ»💞

 Before I started coaching with Maria, I didn’t think it would be possible for sessions over Zoom to really make any difference to me. So I was genuinely surprised by how much each session with Maria changed my thoughts, and how that change would impact me the following day. I was also surprised to see that I really could change my relationship to food and the way I thought about myself. Before the sessions I had very little hope of becoming free of my "food addiction", but now I feel like I’m about to break free from that restricted life of punishments and hatred. Maria offers a safe space to talk freely and is very open and understanding, even when it comes to what some people might consider ‘weird’ thoughts. For me, it often felt like the kind of gentle hug I needed as a small child. It gave me a better understanding of my history and my actions. Maria’s coaching is very helpful if you want to learn to love yourself and take better care of yourself. She also has lots of knowledge on the topic and related topics, and many inspirational mantras and other readings. I write this as someone who had been to therapy for eating disorders among other things for ten years. I’ve also had lots of psychiatric treatments, and all those years being in hospital or going to therapy didn’t help me as much as Maria’s coaching. I have been able to see another truth and love both myself and others more. Thanks to Maria’s help, I have been able to access the wisdom that I had inside all along – it had just been covered up by painful and misleading beliefs. 

Sophia Hector, Sweden

 I would recommend Maria to anyone who is struggling with intense emotions and intrusive thoughts. She is a great listener and is very good at sharing her experiences with anxiety, eating disorders, and body dysmorphic disorder in a way that will help you with your own struggles. I have had a while to reflect on our conversation and I wish that when I was struggling with my eating disorder and trauma someone would have told me I would be fine if I took a moment to just exist and that I didn’t have to spend every single moment constantly trying to improve myself or work on healing. It would have made life so much less overwhelming than it felt at the time. In just one session over Zoom, Maria provided me with insight that changed my perspective on things in a meaningful way. I thought I understood what it meant to live in the moment, but I honestly did not. This lack of understanding of what it means to just let yourself exist in the moment is at the root of my anxiety. I did not think I could have a life free from anxiety, but talking to Maria made me see that I really can if I let go of the conditioning that I impose upon myself. What I appreciated the most about our conversation was that she encouraged me to reflect on my thoughts and experiences in a way that felt empowering. When I walked away, I did not feel like I had a list of things I needed to do before I will be OK like I did when I would leave my therapist's office. I felt like I am OK right now and I really needed that. 

Erika Steele, Alabama, U.S.A.

 Collaborating with Maria as my coach/guide was truly transformative. Maria's profound listening created a space where I felt genuinely supported and cared for throughout our journey. Whenever I encountered obstacles, she skillfully guided me toward alternative perspectives, opening my eyes to new possibilities. Maria's non-judgmental approach allowed me to express myself freely, and through her insightful questions, I discovered solutions that were previously hidden. Her presence is gentle and inviting, yet her commitment to helping others is both authentic and powerful. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Maria; she will empower you to reach the next level in pursuit of your aspirations. 

Siarra Decomi, Arizona, U.S.A.

 Maria has been a joy to work with and has shared a good deal of valuable information and resources that I will be referring back to for a long time. Her careful listening and gentle, insightful responses have very positively impacted my life, mind, thoughts, and heart. I'm having night dreams of transformation of myself. Today I shared some of the information with a friend who was able to relate to it immediately, and to feel differently about the coming anniversary of his daughter's suicide. This work has far-reaching implications, and I am very appreciative to have this opportunity to experience and benefit from it. 

Dr. N.S. Goodman, Missouri, U.S.A.

 Dear Maria, Thank you for your time and for providing a space for me to talk and reflect on things I've been struggling with. I found it easy to talk to you and at no point felt like you were 'interrogating' me or manipulating the conversation. You were gentle and patient but also warm and encouraging. I liked that you made yourself human too and allowed me a glimpse of some of your struggles. I am grateful for our sessions and feel they have helped me find some inner peace and now feel able to reflect on things in a more positive way. 

T.H., Devon, U.K.

 Thank you, Maria, for sharing your insights with me and being a listening ear. You have helped me to see clarity again whilst I had been overworked and almost burned out. Thank you for your warmth, wisdom, kindness, and most of all, time. Maria is a true beacon of light and has so much to offer in her divine service. Thank you. 

Sarah, Cheshire, U.K.

 I have had the pleasure of working with Maria as my coach for the last several months. She is very kind and understanding. It is very clear that she has had some major insights around the understanding of how our thoughts create our feelings, especially when it comes to food issues and body image. She was helpful in pointing me in the direction of not taking my conditioned thinking too serious and directing me back towards my inner guidance and following my wisdom. I would recommend her as a coach for anyone who is struggling. 

E.H., Florida, U.S.A.

 Maria helps people who struggle with body image or have body dysmorphia and is absolutely amazing at what she does. Her blog posts and free eBook are helping me and I've just been to her online workshop which was really enjoyable! She can help bring a healthier relationship to our own bodies and bring more acceptance and self love into our lives. 

Mike Unsworth, U.K.
Workshop Attendee

 Maria creates a beautiful, safe, and non-judgemental loving space for people healing from body image issues. Thank you Maria! 

Danielle Desiree, U.S.A.
Workshop Attendee

 I was unsure what to expect when I saw these workshops, but I have had the opportunity to see so much in myself and how I view my physical form. Maria is so lovely; looking from her own experience and others enabled me to reflect on myself, to see the similarity in my thinking about my body. I am starting to understand myself more and where my views of my body come from. All this within a lovely, caring safe space. Thank you. 

Mic, Isle of Wight
Workshop Attendee

 Thank you so much for everything you do! Thank you for the safe space you create with your Zoom meetings. It's incredible how like-minded individuals meet and share similar experiences and how insightful that is. You know I have been around the understanding of the three principles for a while now and because nothing is accidental, I stumbled across you... And something instantly clicked... Your energy, your calmness, your understanding is so uplifting and it's a joy to be around you! The insights you share are so valuable and I resonate with everything you share! Thank you for bringing light, Maria! 

Stela Rafailova, Torquay, U.K.
Workshop Attendee

 The body image workshops are helping me to rethink about my body and how society places unrealistic standards on image that is very unhealthy. Maria provides a safe environment to discuss sensitive topics and lends great advice and guidance to help you learn to love exactly who you are. 

Kellie, Vermont, U.S.A.
Workshop Attendee

 I dropped into Maria’s workshops because I had been noticing sad thoughts about the increased size of my body. I was starting to think daily about what I could do to get fitter and healthier and starting to feel disappointed in myself for not moving more and eating better whenever I saw my body in the shower or was feeling uncomfortable in a chair. I knew I needed insights, not outside motivation and willpower. After just a few workshops of being in the kind and interesting conversations, it clicked in my mind - 'well of course my body has changed while I’ve been unwell, and as I recover and increase my health then my body will most likely change again.' I was reminded that my lifestyle decisions and recovery journey will be wise for me and my body when my mood is not lowered by untrue thinking but when I’m ok in the now. Maria gently challenges our thinking and I’ve enjoyed noticing my thoughts about beauty in others. 

Leah Hobson, Barnard Castle, U.K.
Workshop Attendee

 I absolutely loved the workshops with Maria that I attended. I love the way she shares the three principles understanding in relation to body image. It’s really helped me to relax about the way I look. Conforming to current beauty standards has always been difficult and I love the possibility that this is no longer required. Already I feel a sense of freedom in that. 

Julie, Scotland
Workshop Attendee

Sometimes prose is not enough to help us break free from our mental prisons, and only poetry will do!

Our Faraway Daughter

1 min read


1 min read

My Show

1 min read

All That Talk

1 min read
I know how hard it can be to stop judging the way your body looks, especially in a world which seems to be constantly ramping up the pressure to look ‘perfect’. But I'm here to tell you that it is possible to stop.

It's time to end the war with your body and feel comfortable in your own skin without spending years in therapy or making your life pitifully small to avoid all ‘triggers’.

Recovery can be hard when you try to do it by yourself.

That's where coaching  comes in. Through coaching with me, you will get support to replace the filter of judgment you’ve been seeing yourself through with a lens of love.  In this way, you can start seeing yourself as you truly are – a unique and beautiful being with a valuable contribution to offer the world.

Email me at maria@mariamorgan.info to schedule a free initial chat to find out whether coaching with me might be right for you.💞

If you often find yourself judging your appearance, I get it. I spent 30 years of my life doing the exact same thing.

Around five years ago, I fully healed in this area, and I can't wait to help you do the same.  So if you're feeling like this👇then get in touch.

Is this you?

You constantly judge how you look, and you rarely, if ever, feel like your body looks ‘good enough’.

😩 You worry a lot about what other people think of your appearance and crave constant validation. Or you’re simply resigned to feeling ugly.

😩 You spend a lot of time, energy, and money (if/when you have it) on trying to improve and/or maintain your appearance.

😩 You feel too insecure about your body to enjoy dating, romance, or intimacy.

😩 You engage in obsessive behaviours, including weighing yourself, mirror checking, over-exercising, taking selfies, taking hours to get ready, disordered eating etc.

😩 You worry about the impact of ageing on your appearance.

😩 You keep your life small to avoid the pain of being criticised or rejected.


So, if you’re ready to…

🥰 learn how to appreciate your own unique true natural beauty;

🥰 free yourself from the burden of worrying about what you look like, especially as you get older;

🥰 feel more secure in your own sense of unconditional self-worth;

🥰 have the confidence to go on dates or enjoy your relationship with your current partner more fully;

🥰 enjoy the sensual and sexual pleasures your body has to offer you, as it is right now;

🥰 spend your money on useful/fun things rather than on risky/costly attempts to change your body;

🥰 start thriving instead of just surviving;

Then email me at maria@mariamorgan.info to schedule a free discovery call to explore whether coaching with me might be right for you.

If you're ready to end the war with your body, but have been struggling to change by yourself, I'm here to help.

Having a non-judgmental space to explore your thoughts and feelings, as well as guidance and encouragement from someone who's been where you are, but has made it to the other side, can get you where you want to go faster and easier than if you just keep trying to figure it all out by yourself.

You don't have to heal alone, and I don't think we're meant to.

I've found it invaluable to have support along my healing journey, and I'm now passionate about supporting people who are still struggling.

If that's you, let's work together to put this body image problem behind you, so you can get on with enjoying your one and precious life.

Our time on earth is finite, and we have to make the most of it.

Please don't postpone your happiness and freedom indefinitely.

  • I share from my own experience of suffering and healing from body shame, insecurities and obsession.  Most therapists are not allowed to talk about themselves.  My approach is more personal.  I will talk about what helped me on my own healing journey.
  • I believe that everyone can fully heal from body image difficulties.  I don't think that you must resign yourself to coping with these problems for the rest of your life.  I can't guarantee that you will heal, or how long it will take, of course, but I believe that human beings have the capacity to learn, grow and change.  I don't believe the way we think and the way we relate to our thoughts - the source of our suffering - are fixed.  I believe in the possibility of transformation.
  • I don't think recovery is something that you have to 'work at'.  I don't see it as a battle.  I don't think sustainable healing is about trying to make yourself believe something different from what you believe now.  Rather, I believe healing is a result of a shift in consciousness that usually arises from relaxing our minds, letting go and becoming open to something new.
  • Although you may be suffering deeply, I don't think that means that there is something fundamentally wrong with you.  I don't believe our experiences, suffering or any labels or diagnoses we may have been given, define us.  The past need not determine the future.
  • I do not diagnose or treat mental health diagnoses.  I am NOT a psychologist or psychotherapist.  I do not have medical training.  While diagnoses can help people feel less alone in their suffering and sometimes give them access to effective support, I believe that identifying with them too strongly can  limit our capacity to heal, learn, grow and change.  
  • For more details on how my perspective and approach differ from traditional therapy, you can:

Get in touch now to arrange a FREE, no-obligation discovery call to see if we're a good fit to work together.  

Email me at maria@mariamorgan.info.

I will reply to schedule a mutually convenient time for a chat on Zoom.

I allow up to 90 minutes for this introductory session.

This session will be an opportunity for you to talk about what you're struggling with, and to ask any questions about the coaching packages I offer.

After this initial conversation, the ball will be in your court, and it will be up to you to decide whether you want to invest in coaching with me.

You can read testimonials of other people I've already helped heal their body insecurities, shame and obsession here.


I offer coaching packages of various durations to support you on your journey to freedom from body image/eating issues.  

Here are the details:
  • I allow up to 90 minutes for each 1:1 coaching session.
  • All sessions will be held on Zoom.
  • All packages need to be paid for upfront in full via bank transfer, or Stripe if you don't live in U.K.
  • Please note that you will be free to book further sessions when the package comes to an end if you choose.  We all heal at a different pace, are in different financial circumstances and require different types and levels of support at different points in our lives. There is no one size fits all.

Cost is £1200. (Works out as £25 per session.)

Cost is £720. (Works out as £30 per session.)

Cost is £630. (Works out as £35 per session.)

Cost is £480. (Works out as £40 per session.)

Cost is £270. (Works out as £45 per session.)

Cost is £150. (Works out as £50 per session.)

Please don't hesitate to email me at maria@mariamorgan.info if coaching is of interest to you and you have further questions.

I look forward to hearing from you! 🥰

💞«CLICK HERE to access the free course, Making Peace With Your Appearance»💞

This free course is designed to give you a strong foundation for healing your body image, so you can stop judging your appearance and get on with enjoying your life to the full.

It is based on my 34-page eBook, Making peace with your appearance: the top ten misunderstandings that get in the way of your recovery, which sets out what helped me recover after around 30 years of struggle.

When you sign up, you'll be emailed a copy of the 34-page eBook and the ten companion videos straight away.

The videos are designed to reinforce the points in the eBook to consolidate your learning.

If you would like to ask questions or share your experience as you go through the course, please consider joining my online membership, The Lens of Love Community or look into the one-to-one coaching I offer. 😊

You will have lifetime access to the course content.

💞«CLICK HERE to access the free eBook & video course, Making Peace With Your Appearance»💞
💞«CLICK HERE to get the free talk with insights to heal body insecurities, shame and obsession»💞

FROM JUDGEMENT TO JOY is a one-hour FREE talk to help you break free from shame, obsession and insecurity when it comes to your appearance, so you can start enjoying your body and your life to the full.

In the talk I cover:

  • The two fundamental beliefs underpinning our suffering when we don't like the way we look.
  • How we get sucked into buying into these beliefs through a lifetime of cultural conditioning.
  • The crucial difference between the so-called 'beauty' standards and real beauty.
  • How trauma can make us more susceptible to pressures to look different/'better'.
  • The impact of our beliefs on how we see ourselves, whether we're aware of these beliefs or not.
  • How we heal - willpower and effort don't tend to help us in the long term, so I spoke about what actually helps instead.
  • Three qualities/attitudes that facilitate healing.
  • How our suffering can be an opportunity to learn more about who we are, and have a deeper, more fulfilling experience of life.
  • How we can enjoy the way people look so much more when we replace the filter of judgement with the lens of love.
  • And lots more!
💞«CLICK HERE to get the free talk with insights to heal body insecurities, shame and obsession»💞

If what I share in the talk resonates with you and you'd like to get some support with your healing, check out the one-to-one coaching I offer, or consider joining my online membership, Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ. 😊



Then maybe my book club will be for you!

It is FREE of charge, and takes place on Zoom.

Please note that this book club is open to all, and is not specifically related to body image/eating, though you are very welcome to talk about books on those topics if you wish.

➡️CLICK HERE⬅️ to sign up to the Book Club mailing list, and you will get notified of future meetings and receive the Zoom link.


I love reading, and these days I always seem to be reading amazing books that get me very excited, so excited, in fact, that I want to share the brilliant and helpful ideas in them with other people! And I love hearing about what other people are reading too, even if I might not want to read the same books at the same time.

I believe the books we feel drawn to, at any particular time, are a very personal matter. So, the books that I’m currently getting so much out of might be ones that you would never pick up. That’s why I’m starting a book club where we can all talk about the different books each of us is reading, rather than feeling obliged to all read the same book. That way, we’ll enjoy hearing about what lights other people up, and can have the chance to share what we’re enthusiastic about. And we might get ideas for other books we’d like to read too!

There are no rules as to the books we can talk about – they could be fact or fiction, scientific or spiritual, political or philosophical, lowbrow or highbrow(!), poetry or prose, a classic which most people may have already read or an unknown work. The point is to share about what YOU got out of the book.

The books can be in any language (though the language of the group will be English because that’s the language that is most commonly spoken by my friends). If English is not your first language, and you don’t feel confident about speaking in English, please don’t let that put you off. Everyone will want to understand you and won’t care if you struggle for words sometimes, as we all do anyway.

The spirit of this group will be that you talk about things in the book that have inspired, helped, interested or educated you. How has the book enriched your life?

Feel free to come along even if you’re not reading a book at the moment. You could either just listen to other people sharing or you could speak about a book you’ve read in the past that has impacted you. If you’re an author, you could even talk about your own book (in progress or complete). Why not?!

We can read SHORT passages of the book which we particularly like as part of our sharing, as long as we stay mindful of the time.

When discussing ideas that we’re passionate about, sometimes things can get heated, so I hope we’ll all do our best to express disagreement respectfully. Let’s try to be mindful of the wise words of Marvin Gaye, “We’re all sensitive people with so much love to give.” If anyone uses hate speech or is persistently rude or aggressive, then they will no longer be welcome in the group. I want it to be a safe space where people feel comfortable sharing from their hearts.

This will be an open group, so feel free to tell your friends and invite them to sign up to the mailing list. But please don’t post the Zoom link publicly on social media. I don’t want people turning up for the wrong reasons.


  • At the start of the meeting, we will take a show of hands to establish how many people will want to speak about a book.

  • We will take it in turns to talk about a book we’re currently reading or have read in the past.  

  • Then other people will be able to ask them questions or make comments if they want.

  • Then we will move on to the next person who wants to talk about a book.

➡️CLICK HERE⬅️ to sign up to the Book Club mailing list, and you will get notified of the future meetings and receive the Zoom link.

book club with a twist! image

There are 2 steps to joining Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ, as follows:

1) Complete The Membership Agreement

  • This document contains important practical information about how the Community will be run.  
  • Please read, complete, sign (by ticking the box at the end) and submit it.

Click here to go to:  Tʜᴇ Lᴇɴs ᴏғ Lᴏᴠᴇ Cᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ Membership Agreement


2) Set up your monthly subscription payment

  • Once you’ve submitted the completed Agreement, I'll email you a link to set up your subscription.
  • Once I’ve received your first payment, you’ll get an email with the Zoom link for meetings, so you’ll be able to join meetings straight away! 🤩